Technology » District Technology Plan

District Technology Plan

Westbrook Schools believe in Technology for tomorrow. This requires an on-going planning process. That process must include our integration philosophy, our maintenance practices, our future goals, and measurable evaluations.

Planning Process
First, collect data on the State requirements, Federal requirements, existing situation and current needs. To do this we have utilized the following sources and tools, in addition to on-site measurements, interviews and inventory information. In addition, you are able to view the State Standards for the various grade levels as they relate to the Technology Applications TEKS for integration.
Integration Philosophy
We also know that the integration of Technology into the classroom should match the classroom, the teacher and the students' needs. Technology integration needs to pass certain tests - One, does it improve instruction? Two, does it make the teacher's job easier, quicker or of a higher quality? Three, does it help the student to learn? Fourth, does it provide information that will allow better identification of student difficulties. If it passes at least one or more of these tests then we must ask - Does it accomplish this in a cost effective manner?
Maintenance Practices
We intend on having all of our equipment on life cycle rotations. The desktop computers in the labs will be on four year rotations, the switches on six year rotation, teacher computers on four year rotations, and so on.
Future Goals
Our future goals center around making Westbrook ISD the most technologically advanced school in a 45 mile radius.